2024-2025 Swim Ontario Standards
Swim Ontario has the right to amend these documents as required
Swim Ontario has developed the Para Swimming Regional Motivation and Invitational Recommended standards for regions and clubs to use to ensure para swimmers are equitably included in both Regional Championship and club invitational competitions. These standards are equitable developmental stepping stones to assist para swimmers to move along the para development pathway in a similar manner as Olympic stream athletes. While regions and clubs are welcome to develop their own Regional Championship and Invitational para swimmer standards, Swim Ontario recognizes that the development of equitable standards for para swimmers can be time consuming so has developed these standards to assist regions and clubs as we all move towards being "best in class".
Consideration Times/Regional Recommendation Times
Provincial Consideration Times:
Swimmers will be required to achieve a 2024/2025 Consideration time in order to enter and compete in bonus events at the Ontario Swimming Championships and Ontario Age Groups (subject to the bonus structure for the competition).
These times were developed using the Ontario Swimming Championships qualifying times for each group plus adding five(5) percent. For those familiar with the previous A,B,C,D, E provincial times, these consideration times are in alignment with the metric used to the develop the “B” time.
Regional Recommendation Times:
At the request of our regional partners, we are pleased to provide the 2024/2025 Regional Recommendation times. These times were developed using the OSC times plus 7.5%. These calculations are in alignment with what was used to develop the provincial “C & D” times in the past.
Staff feel that these times allow for progressive performance alignment towards the Provincial qualifying standards. It is hoped that regions would consider using them to set standards for their championship opportunities but understand if it is decided to use another metric for qualification.
Swim Ontario has completed the process of developing the performance standards for the new competition deliverables for the 2024/2025 season. Below you will find a breakdown of the standards along with a basic rationale behind how these times were determined.
We have taken a tiered approach to developing these times with the Ontario Age Group focused on an “in-season” check point that is a step below the Ontario Swimming Championships in the summer. Taking this progressive approach should allow for clubs to build their season plans towards swimming their fastest near or at the end of the season rather than in the middle of the season. For this to happen clubs and coaches need to be allowed to build and implement appropriate training blocks that allow their swimmers to build the technical and tactical skill sets to maximize their performance development.
While some of these motivational standards may seem more challenging for certain levels of swimmers, they align with a key performance pathway that is focused on national achievement and international representation.
Below you will see a breakdown of how the standards were devised and developed.