Check-in: 12:30 PM in room 2060 (main level - north end)
Warm-up: 1:00 - 1:40 PM
Start: 1:45 PM
December 5 update
We have reached our maximum number of swimmers. Entries are now closed.
October 19 update
Masters I.M. Fast Challenge Apparel is now available to pre-order for pick-up at the event. There will be no onsite sales for IM FAST Apparel. Orders will be pre-packaged individually. The orders will be distributed to at the Clerk of Course on deck.
Deadline for orders is Sunday, November 27!
Any orders after this date will be shipped directly to the purchaser and will not arrive before the start of IM FAST
Order Today!!
All athletes must be registered as Competitive Masters swimmers with Swim Ontario affiliated club. A valid Swimming Canada registration number is required for all swimmers, and entries without a registration number will be declined.